Meet Stanley

Serving His Country and Family

Military veteran, Stan, moved to Ocean County from Jersey City in the 1970s with his wife and children to offer them a better life. After he retired from Lehigh Valley Railroad, he and his wife moved to a mobile home in Jackson. In 2016, Stan’s wife of fifty years passed away after a five-year battle with cancer. “I promised not to send her to a nursing home,” Stan said. “I took care of her the whole time. When she got down to sixty-five pounds, I told her it was okay to let go.”

Seeking Help
Since that time, Stan has had a stroke and heart surgery. He reached out to us for help in September 2020. Stan had covered the antiquated windows of his mobile home with thick plastic to keep cold air out in summer and warm air in for the winter. A leaky and dilapidated roof had caused a plethora of problems that all needed attention. Poor health and low income, Stan could not afford to make repairs.

Through the Home Preservation Program, our generous funders, staff, and volunteers made it possible for Stan to remain safe and comfortable in his home. When asked what brings him joy in life, he responded, “Just being alive! I say thank you, Lord, when I wake up, and then I make the bed.”